The Adorning

1 Peter 3:1-6

Many miss the point Peter is trying to make in 1 Peter 3:1-6.  He is saying, “vs. 3 “Whose adorning” . . . (vs. 4)   “let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.”  The example for this admonition is found in vs. 5 when he says that this is what set aside “holy women” of the past.  They “trust[ing] in God, adorned themselves. . .”

The fact that Sarah laughed (Gen 18:10-12) when she heard that God was going to give her son in her old age is not of importance.  Didn’t Abraham also laugh earlier upon receiving this message?  (Gen 17:17)  What is of importance is that she adorning herself in trust for God “obeyed Abraham” and followed her husband’s journey of faith.

Catherine was a tender, compassionate woman.   She also was a woman of deep faith and great conviction.  She was a quiet, reserved woman.  This she overcame, however, in her desire to serve Christ. She accompanied her husband William to tent revivals as he preached throughout England.  Later she became his strong supporter as together they founded the Salvation Army in their desire to reach the poor in England with the gospel.  William Booth was blessed to have a godly wife who was adorned by the hidden man of the heart, an ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, and an astounding depth of trust in God.

By Dr. Gayle Woods

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