The General Camp Committee (a 12 member committee) voted unanimously to cancel the 2020 General Camp. This decision was not made lightly, but with great regret. However in light of the covid-19 pandemic and the potential for spreading this horrific virus, especially to our seniors, we feel like it is the only decision we could make.We all will miss the wonderful times of worship and fellowship but will anticipate even greater getting together for 2021 General Camp.
We are asking the workers scheduled for this year to return for next year, but don\’t have confirmation yet.Please stay safe and take especially good care of the seniors and those with underlying health issues in your life.
God bless,Jack R Smith

Chairman General Camp


The 2019 Chairman of General Convention hereby announces the cancellation of the 2020 General Convention of the Churches of God (Holiness). This seems prudent in light the uncertainty of our future regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thankfully, Convention had the foresight many years ago to plan for these times.

Motion prevailed that in the event of a national emergency which would preclude the convening of our annual Convention, all boards and committees are authorized to be self-perpetuating until such time when Convention does meet, or Jesus comes. (Adopted 1967, Misc. Item P) (Standing Rule #2, General Convention Minutes)

The retiring Chairman of the 2019 Convention regrets the necessity of this cancellation and hopes and prays that our country and our world will soon return to some degree of normalcy.

Despite the conditions we face, let us continue to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ that saves, sanctifies, and sustains.

God bless you, my Brothers and Sisters!

In Christian service,

Mark D. Avery
Chairman 2019 General Convention

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