Fellowship in the Gospel

Philippians 1:1-6 (5)

\”Jerry Rice, who plays for football\’s San Francisco 49ers, is considered by many experts the best receiver in the NFL. Interviewers from Black Entertainment Television once asked Rice, \”Why did you attend a small, obscure university like Mississippi Valley State University in Itta Bena, Mississippi?\”

\”Rice responded, \”Out of all the big-time schools (such as UCLA) to recruit me, MVSU was the only school to come to my house and give me a personal visit.\” The big-time schools sent cards, letters, and advertisements, but only one showed Rice personal attention.\” ( — Edward J. Robinson, Urbana, Illinois. Leadership, Vol. 15, no. 1.

Fellowship – koinonia (koy-nohn-ee\’-ah) is the greek term which means partnership, participation, or (social) intercourse, or (pecuniary) benefaction. (Strong\’s Exhaustive Concordance). We call each other Brother or Sister. We have \”Fellowship Meetings,\” and \”Fellowship Dinners.\” Why do we do these things? It is important to each of us to know we are loved and accepted by other Christians. We are part of the family of God and need to be continually reminded of the relationship we have not only with God but with other Christians. And so, we gather to enjoy the company of those that love our Lord in a time of mutual respect and love.

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