Don\’t Dally

Matthew 13:47-52 (49)

Grandpa and his 4-year-old grandson were on their way to the Krispy Kream Donuts shop.  The little boy was excited about the trip and especially about the purpose of the trip.  But grandpa wanted to take advantage of the time with his pride and joy by getting him to think about spiritual matters. 

“Which way is heaven?” grandpa asked.  His little grandson pointed to the sky.

“Which way is hell?” grandpa continued.  The little boy pointed toward the floorboard of the car.

“And where are you going?” grandpa asked.  “To the Krispy Kreme Donut shop,” came the satisfied reply.

Unfortunately many seem to have the same focus.  They are going where they want to go right now and that is all they want to consider.  The question of eternity is either irrelevant, uninteresting or mythical to them.

Jesus warned that the day is coming when God is going to cast all unbelievers into the furnace of fire where there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

There are 162 references to hell in the New Testament alone.  Over 70 of those references were made by Jesus, the Son of God.  At that judgment day there will be a great separation.  Those who chose to live for Jesus and those who reject his offer of salvation will be separated by divine decree. 

Now is the appointed time for your salvation.  Now is the time for you to focus on the cross of Christ and chose to give your heart and life for Jesus. 

Your delay is dangerous.  Your damnation could be definite.

by Dr. Gayle Woods

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