True Humility

Luke 22:24-27

Joseph Petro repeatedly reminisces on the greatness of president Ronald Reagan in his book “Standing Next to History”. As the Secret Service agent in charge of Reagan’s protective detail, he mentions numerous incidents where the President took time to speak to children, was gracious to a fault and genuinely loved and desired to serve people of less estate. While Governor of California, his large entourage came upon an elementary school class, returning from recess. The children stood at attention as the Governor, soon to become President, passed. With no cameras nor press to record the incident, Reagan stopped his limousine, stepped to the curb, tussled the hair and shook the hands of each of the children. By his gracious act he gained no benefit. He simply responding out of the kindness of his heart to a group of children.

Greed and corrupt ambition have driven the world to a trivial understanding of greatness. In a world where many claim greatness, true greatness is missing. Daniel Webster understood the true foundation for greatness when he said, A solemn and religious regard to spiritual and eternal things is an indispensable element of all true greatness.( C.N. Douglas, comp. Forty Thousand Quotations: Prose and Poetical. 1917.) We must look to the Scriptures and consider how Jesus exhibited greatness. Then we must live in such a way that we will be considered great, by Him.

Dr. Gayle Woods

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