We are on the same side

That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:6

Rick Warren the pastor of Saddleback Church in Orange County, California recently wrote in his blog, “Daily Hope” something that is 1) obvious, 2) probably 99% of Christians realize, but 3) probably 98% of Christians don’t practice.  He said, \”Success is never a one-man job; it takes teamwork.  God wired it this way because the most important lesson he wants you to learn here on Earth is to love people. Not only that, there are some things in your life that you will never be able to change without the support, prayers, and encouragement of other people.\”

Paul practiced this and tried to get us to understand its importance when he said, “I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.”  (1 Cor 3:6) That short statement is full of meaning.  1) Teamwork is necessary to accomplish God’s work.  2) It doesn’t matter who gets the credit for results as long as God’s kingdom is advanced.  3)  Humility is essential to success in God’s work.  4)  It’s all about God.  5)  God is the One who makes things happen, not you or me.

Paul and Barnabas; Paul and Silas; Paul and Timothy; Aquila and Priscilla.  What did they have in common?  They worked in partnership – they were a team.  Even the Son of God had a team of twelve men working with Him.  The people who accomplished the most in the kingdom worked together for God’s glory. 

If we work together as if it all depends on us and pray as if it all depends on God much can been accomplished for His glory.

by Dr. Gayle Woods

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