The Prize for Waiting.

Galatians 6:6-10 (9)

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

In June of 1955, Sir Winston Churchill, now old and physically infirm, had to be  helped to the podium.  He stood a long moment in silence before giving the commencement address at a British university.  Looking out over the sea of young faces, the one who had called Britain back from the brink of destruction gave his last challenge.   \”Never give up. Never give up. Never give up.\”

Churchill returned to his seat.  The silence as deafening.  Then as one, the audience rose to their feet giving a thunderous applause.  His life, rather than his speech, touched the hearts of the people. 

During the darkest days of World War II with English cities reduced to bombed rubble, Churchill never gave up.  As the Nazi war machine crushed country after country, Churchill never gave up.  When invasion was imminent, Churchill never gave up.  While others were faint with despair, Churchill never gave up.

Three times during his political career, his peers discarded him,  but three times he came back to lead his country. Churchill was a man who never gave up.

We must learn from this example.  \”Never give up. Never give up. Never give up.\” In the Lord\’s service, it is always too soon to quit.  We must never hesitate or halt.  We must continue to “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

By Dr. Gayle Woods

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