The Lamp of God

Revelation 21:23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

Did you know that the sun is good for you?  That’s right.  Scientifically it offers a lot of benefits for our bodies.  For example:  It helps you sleep better.  Sunshine regulates your circadian rhythm which helps you body know when the increase of decrease the level of melatonin which is critical to helping you sleep.  Not only that, but sunlight reduces stress because melatonin also lowers stress reactivity.   Sunlight will even help you not get depressed.  It boosts your body’s level of serotonin which chemically improves your mood. Your bones will be stronger if you get enough time in the sun as well.  Our bodies produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight.  Vitamin D helps your body maintain calcium which is needed to keep your bones from getting brittle.  Besides that, Vitamin D will strengthen your immune system.  Scientists are even suggesting that 30 minutes in the sun during the morning hours will help keep your weight down.  Finally, a study in Sweden found that women who spent more time in the sun lived six months to two years longer than those who got less exposure.

This may be interesting and even beneficial knowledge but I have better news.  Someday we are not even going to need the Sun because the glory of the Son of God unveiled will radiate throughout all space, time and existence.  Revelation 21:33 says that the Lamb of God is the Lamp of Heaven.  He is all we need now and all we will ever need throughout eternity.

by Dr. Gayle Woods

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