Possessed by an Evil Spirit

1 Samuel 18:6-11

My parishioner was a bitter woman. She was easily peeved. She inhaled gossip and exhaled criticism. The past wrongs that she had suffered were her favorite topic of conversation.

She seldom missed church, but on the other hand she had never been a Christian. When I repeatedly spoke to her about her need, explaining the way of Salvation in simple terms she would say, \”But, Bro. Woods, it seems so hard. I just can\’t understand.\” She was too old to take the chance of not understanding.

I was concerned and baffled. What would cause a person who seemed so interested in the church and spiritual matters to go through a long life to never enjoy the benefits of Salvation?

I discovered that she and another lady who attended our church had a disagreement years earlier when they attended the same grade school. Unforgiveness and bitterness were the result which corrupted her heart with an evil spirit. Such a small thing, and yet such a big thing. Small enough to seem petty to all who were not involved and yet big enough to block a person from entering through the pearly gates.

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