Minister\’s Conference 2016

Ministers’ Conference as we know it today had it’s beginnings many years ago as the“preachers\’ prayer retreat” which was held at different locations such as Mt. Zion Bible School and Kansas City College and Bible School. In more recent years, under the direction of Home Missions, it became apparent there was a need for a “minister and spouse get away.” According to many pastors it has become one of the highlights of the calendar year. Usually held in the month of September, it has been at Windermere Christian Conference Center near Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, for a number of years. Last year, 2015, we are moved to Lake Williamson Christian Conference Center north of St. Louis, MO about 70 miles.  This will be our location for the 2016 Conference as well. 


Ministers\’ Conference is an opportunity for the minister and spouse to renew and recharge for ministry. Guest speakers usually include church leaders from outside our Constituency, in addition to our men and women leading workshops. Typically there are break-out sessions for the men and women. Delicious meals and comfortable lodging are provided with time between sessions for fellowship among colleagues and alone time for couples. The Home Mission Department encourages churches to provide this opportunity to their pastors with no out of pocket expenses, completely underwritten by the local church. Churches believe it is one of the greatest investments they can make in the ongoing of their ministries. Pastors receive encouragement, inspiration, and tools to take back with them to help them minister to their people and reach their communities for Christ.

~~~ The dates for Ministers\’ Conference are September 13-15.   The evangelist this year will be Dr. James Keaton.    Plan now to come!  ~~~

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