God\’s Provision for Zion

Isa. 62:6-9 (9)

I was interested to hear a friend tell how he escaped from bankruptcy. Before this difficult time, his house and 20 acres seemed to be rather insignificant. While he was going through the time, however, these possessions seemed to be rather valuable. More valuable than this was his reputation and his Christian testimony. Because of this he decided NOT to declare bankruptcy unless it became absolutely necessary. He would trust God. His creditors agreed to adjust his payments so they were more manageable. My friend then began to diligently work at the task of paying back a very large debt.

The times were difficult. The family had little extra and no luxuries. At times they wondered how they would make their monthly payments. Even through the times of sacrifice and struggle the Lord always provided. The money that was needed always came in time. At times the supply from God was unexpected and unusual.

This experience he stated, helped strengthen his faith in God, his children\’s faith in him and in God, and the community\’s appreciation for his Christian life. All this was made possible through the provision of God and because of His faith in God.

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