GOGH History
The Church of God (Holiness) began on March 29, 1883 with the founding of the Centralia, MO Church.
The people involved were come outers from the Methodist Church and had been active in the Southwest Holiness Association. Their concern for leaving the mother church centered around their interest in propagating the doctrine of entire sanctification.
They believed that this was a biblical doctrine and described the teaching as a second definite work of God’s grace worked in the heart and life of the believer subsequent to regeneration, at which time the believer is cleansed of the effects of original sin and is completely submitted to the controlling hand of the Holy Spirit. The motivation of the born again believer who is entirely sanctified is to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. The founding fathers felt that the mother church had neglected her responsibility to preach this message.

Church of God (Holiness)
The mission of the Church of God (Holiness) is to exalt Christ, equip the Church, and evangelize the world.