
The Parable Told

Matt 13:1-9 (3) Jesus was always ahead of His time. Even in our own day many do not seem to either accept or realize this truth., If we can understand this little picture lesson of the receptivity of the soils then we will be more likely to have a direct influence on those whom we

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The Parable Explained

Matt 13:18-23 (18) The underlying truth is that even though we are faithful to present the gospel to the world all people will not be ready to receive it at the same time. In addition to our varying receptivity to the Word, however, is the fact that various things militate against our reception. In the

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Saved By the Gospel

Acts 2:41-47 \”Now and Long Ago\” by Glen Lough, recounts the history of Marion County, West Virginia. In that account the reader is told of Frederick Ice who was an early settler on the South Branch of the Potomac River in Frederick County, Virginia. In 1752 Indians raided his cabin. They killed Frederick\’s wife Mary

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Are You an April Fool?

Psa 14:1; 53:1 April Fool \’s day has been an excuse for people around the globe to try to trick their friends with practical jokes. One of the most successful attempts occurred in 1957 when the BBC news show \”Panorama \” told their audience that due to a very mild winter the spaghetti weevil had

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Maintenance and Mission

Eccl. 1:1-11; Matt. 28:18-20 Maintenance and mission are both necessary in order to minister effectively. When maintenance is emphasized while neglecting mission, it loses its purpose and becomes little more than a bore and a chore. When mission is emphasized at the expense of maintenance, its accomplishment is neutralized. Maintenance and mission are both necessary

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An Exercise in Gratitude

Romans 1:21 We\’re not very good at saying \”Thank You,\” are we? We\’re like the little boy….. On his return from a birthday party his mother queried, \”Bobby, did you thank the lady for the party?\” \”Well, I was going to,\” he answered, \”But a girl ahead of me said, \’Thank You,\’ and the lady

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Ephesians 4:11-13(13) Conflict is sure to surface when ball hog is teamed with a better ball hog. This seems to have happened in the NBA. Chris Webber, former Sacramento Kings ball hog now plays for the Philadelphia 76ers. He has discovered that Allen Iverson is more efficient at playing the game virtually by himself. The

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