
Delivering the Demoniac

Mark 5:8-14 Her possession probably resulted from attendance at seances, drug usage and an insatiable interest in rock music. She carved tattoos into her flesh with a knife. She drew pictures depicting suicide, death and horror. Her favorite topics of conversation were those dealing with the macabre. At times she was charming, docile and sweet.

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Evil Power Broken

Matthew 9:32-38 \”You did what?\” I exclaimed. \”I took my hammer and beat the windshield out of my car.\” \”Why did you do that!\” I asked. \”I can\’t seem to help it, Bro. Woods. Something just seems to come over me when I get mad.\” Cleo could not afford any more misfortune. He drank. He

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The Demoniac Released

Matthew 8:28-34 Thomas was an older man who had been saved before. Each time, he went back on his faith because of the power cigarettes had over his body. He told me \”A Christian can\’t smoke. Until I can overcome cigarettes I can\’t be a Christian.\” The church continued to pray for Thomas. Then the

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Christ\’s Mission

Psalm 147:1-12 (3) As William Booth walked among the poor, hungry and sick people of London his heard was moved with compassion. The situation seemed to be hopeless. The people were not able to find jobs. They lived in small dilapidated quarters that were deteriorating, vermin infested and dangerous. They were lost and without a

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Comforted by Christ

John 14:1-6 (1) The mental patient holding his ear close to the wall, listened intently. The attendant approached. \”Sh!\” whispered the patient, beckoning him over. The attendant pressed his ear to the wall. \”I can\’t hear a thing,\” he finally said. \”No,\” replied the patient, \”it\’s been like that all day!\” Often we are confident

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Christ\’s Ministry

Acts 10:34-38 (38) In 1871 H. M. Stanley went to Africa to find and report on David Livingstone. For several months he traveled with the missionary. During this time he observed Livingstone\’s patient compassion for the African people. Except for Jesus, Livingstone had no reason to sacrifice his life for these backward people. Stanley wrote

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Christ, Our Sin Bearer

Romans 4:16-25 (25) Robert Coleman tells a gripping story in his book \”Written in Blood.\” The doctor explained to little Johnny that his sister, Mary, had the same disease he had recovered from two years earlier. Marys only chance for recovery was a transfusion from someone who had previously overcome the disease. They both had

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