The Name on the Helmet

Ephesians 3:1-9

Herman Edwards, the 10th head coach in Kansas City Chiefs history, is known for a number of things.  He is an American football analyst.  He played on the Philadelphia Eagles, the Los Angeles Rams and Atlanta Falcons NFL teams from 1977-1986.  He is also known for his “Hermisms.”  One of these sound bite quotes is, “The players that play on this football team will play for the name on the side of the helmet and not the name on the back of the jersey.”

This quote carries a message similar to that given by the pyramids of the Giza Plateau.  Much more than royal tombs, these pyramids represented the dignity and power of the kings.  Building a pyramid was a national project which involved the whole country.  Every home was involved.  They sent workers, grain and food to contribute to the grandiose project which enabled the king to become a god in the afterlife.  The capstone which was encased in gold signified the project was complete.  At this time the whole nation celebrated.  In a sense the pyramids unified the nation in service.

These two examples remind us that unity is built on a common purpose.  People who have different backgrounds, talents and resources join together with a common vision to work together as one to see a cause accomplished.  So, in Christ, His children are bound together in commonality.  Paul says that we have “One Lord, one faith, one baptism.” (Eph 4:5)  In Christ, we are one in brotherhood and one in body.

By Dr. Gayle Woods

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