Acts 2:41-47
Unity and compromise are different concepts. An example of this was exercised by a New York family. They bought a western ranch where they hoped to raise cattle. Eventually friends planned to visit. They asked if the ranch had a name. “Well,” answered the aspiring cattleman, “I wanted to name it the Bar-J. My wife wanted to name it Susy-Q. My oldest son wanted to name it the Flying-W. My daughter wanted to name it the Lazy-Y. So we finally decided to call it the Bar-J-Susy-Q-Flying-W-Lazy-Y.” “Do you have many cattle?” their friends asked. “No,” the rancher answered. “None survived the branding.”
They compromised but the result was not unity. Compromise always offers something less than what is desired. To truly know the results of unity we must have the same leader – Jesus Christ, the same guide for our lives and mission – the Word of God, and an honest ambition to see God’s will done. Our personal agendas must be put aside. Instead there must be a humble willingness to work with others even if they are poorly qualified. This also requires a determination to give ourselves in consecrated service to His work. The necessary adjustments will be well worth the effort and sacrifice when we see the unity that is made possible.
Dr. Gayle Woods