Because He Lives!

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Acts 13:26-33 (30)

[30] But God raised him from the dead:.

An interesting history surrounds the grave of Abraham Lincoln.  In 1776 thieves exhumed the casket in an attempt to steal his body for ransom.  The plot was foiled when the thieves were unable to manage the 500 pound, lead-lined cedar coffin.  Later in 1901 it was exhumed again to be moved into the reconstructed Lincoln Tomb.  Under the supervision of Robert Todd Lincoln re-interment took place as twenty-three people observed.  Those present were afraid the rumors of the theft of Lincoln’s body might be true.  It was decided that the coffin should be opened to assure that he was still present.  Fleetwood Lindley (1887-1963) , a young boy of fourteen who was present was interviewed shortly before his death.  He confirmed that Lincoln was perfectly recognizable more than thirty years after his death.

There were rumors surrounding the death of Jesus Christ as well.  These rumors were shattered as people witnessed that they had seen Jesus.  Individual accounts could be discarded but when groups of people, and even more than 500 on one occasion stated that they had seen him, skeptics had to wrestle with the possibility of the resurrection of our Lord.  Lincoln was still in his grave.  He can no longer make a proclamation to free people from slavery.   Our Lord, however, continues to free people from the slavery of sin every day, because He lives!

by Dr. Gayle Woods

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