Preparing the Way for the Christ Child

One of my favorite scriptures is John 1:1-14.  These few verses contain a powerful message for us about what it meant for Jesus, the only Son of God, to become flesh.  Recently, I was studying this passage again and the following are some thoughts I thought you might find helpful.

What\’s the Story?

This passage is the apostle John\’s introduction of his gospel.  He is setting up the fact that Jesus is fully God and has always existed.  Jesus was not just a regular baby or man.  Rather, he existed before the beginning of time.  In fact, he created this world.  Then, because God so loved the world, Jesus became flesh.  John is also setting up the thread that John the Baptist was to prepare the way before the Messiah and to introduce Jesus to the world.

Why did Jesus\’ way need to be prepared?  Possible answers include

  • To alert people to the presence of the Messiah
  • To increase interest and anticipation of the Messiah
  • To gather people who would be receptive to the Messiah

Focusing on John the Baptist…

What\’s the Point?

God sent a witness to prepare people to receive Christ.

What\’s the Problem?

  • Some might confuse the witness with the light, John 1:8.
  • Some might not recognize the light, John 1:10.
  • Some would not receive the light, John 1:11.

What\’s the Difference?

Those who received Christ became the children of God, John 1:12.


How can we apply this to our lives today?  While Jesus is spiritually everywhere and while he abides in his people, there is a sense in which we need to prepare the one who does not know Christ in order so that he or she will receive him.  Of course, there is always the possibility that people today, like people in John the Baptist\’s day, might refuse Christ or not recognize him.  Yet, we should be faithful in preparing the way for Christ in order that some might receive him.  That leads us to the question for which you and I need to find the answer…

How can we prepare the way for Jesus today?

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