True Vigilance

Col. 4:1-6

A man was caught in a turbulent flood waters. He prayed, \”Lord, save me!\”. Shortly after his prayer, a boat paddled towards him. He was urged to get in. \”No thank-you\”, said the man, \”The Lord is going to save me\”. An hour later, a motor boat came by. Again he was urged to get in. \”No thank-you\”, said the man, \”The Lord is going to save me\”. The flood waters continued to rise. The rescue efforts were significantly hampered. At this point, the man was clinging to the roof-top of his flooded house. A helicopter hovered overhead and lowered a ladder. \”Don\’t worry about me,” He yelled, “The Lord is going to save me\”. A short time later the exhausted man gave up and sank under the surface to drown.

As the man stood before God, he asked Him, \”Lord, I trusted in You. Why didn\’t You save me?\”. \”Save you?\”, replied God, \”I sent you two boats and a helicopter! What else did you expect?\”.
God is always at work. He is an active God. The problem lies with our spiritual eyesight, our small capacity for faith, and our lack courage to obey. Paul realized the need to pray for opportunities and for boldness to take advantage of those opportunities for ministry and witness. So should we.

Dr. Gayle Woods

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